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Hi, my name is Jan! Nice to meet you.

I’m offering you my services as a oTree programmer and a consultant for your project!

If you need to begin a project in oTree and you have no idea where to start, have a design that needs to be programmed, or trying to optimize an existing one, I’m your guy.

I started working with oTree back in 2016, when researched a two-phase real-time double auction and found the currently available tools very cumbersome. From that time, I have implemented more than 30 projects and overseen data gathering and deployment. You can see a selected list of my previous work here. I'm fully capable to work with oTree 3+ or oTree 5+. From my previous experience, with oTree every design is possible. I’m also lecturing oTree on workshops!

In addition, I’m experienced in economics, research design, and using oTree for classroom use. I can help you to point out something you may have missed in your design and provide solutions to your problems.

Let me know how can I help you by writing to !