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Past Work

I completed projects for researchers from Central European University, WU Vienna, CERGE-EI, University of Economics in Prague, Charles University, Masaryk University in Brno. References are available upon request.

I deployed oTree both on Heroku and various IT infrastructures. I integrated oTree with MTurk and other local providers of experimental subjects.

Bellow you can find examples of various designs I implemented:

  • Subjects are earning income by real effort task and deciding about their compliance with the law.
  • Subjects are playing a game with another group of subjects, whose responses had to be collected in the field.
  • Subjects are influenced by STROOP test with different degrees of dissonance, then their choices are observed.
  • Subjects are competing in real effort tasks based on their group membership.
  • Subjects are deciding how to represent themselves in a transaction with random stranger matching.
  • Subjects are split into groups, some members are divulged private information, that they can share or not share with the group, influencing their payoff and overall group results.
  • Subjects cognitive abilities are calculated using several tests, then their rationality and attention is measured and compared within groups.
  • Subjects are playing a dictator game with a tablet, with a person playing before them as a partner. The game can be ended to pay out the first person playing.
  • Subjects are estimating answers to real-world questions, then they are presented with an average of their group and other groups to influence their next decisions.
  • … etc.

I lectured oTree for Masaryk University in Brno and University of Jan Evangelista Purkyne in Ústí nad Labem.